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To pre-grind, or not to pre-grind?

To pre-grind, or not to pre-grind?

That is the question!

And to keep things short and sweet, I'll tell you this.

If you don't have a high quality burr grinder, have us do your pre-grinding!  The coffee will stay perfectly fresh in the pantry for up to one week.  We don't recommend taking the coffee in and out of the freezer due to condensation, but freezing is a good storage option until you're ready to start on that bag.

We use a top-of-the-line modified Mahlkonig EK43 grinder, so unless you are using a relatively good burr grinder at home, let us do it for you!  

Our 2lb coffee option comes in individual 1lb bags, or you can get smaller 8oz bags and freeze them until use.  Also, make sure you're squeezing all the extra air out of the re-sealable valved bags so the coffee keeps as long as possible.

Happy brewing!


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